Nomination Form
Please email your nominations to:

Sorry, we cannot accept self nominations.
The purpose of this program is to provide a family going through a difficult time a night out together which they currently
cannot personally afford. We’ve learned during difficult family times an escape to normalcy is healthy for both the parents
and children. The Village Elves will provide the family with tickets to the Milford Independent Cinema and a gift card for
dinner together at a local restaurant. Both will be based upon how many people are in the family.
Please only use the nomination form provided on this page. Complete the application and return it to Villageelves@gmail.com All information is kept private. If your nomination is chosen their identity will remain confidential
and both gift cards will be mailed to them. We would like to use the nominator's name and restaurant which they will be dining at on our website and social media pages.
Eligibility for consideration:
Nominated families must reside within the Huron Valley School District.
Each family is only eligible one time for this program.